Managed Detection and Response


Fasten Your Seat Belts: Managed Threat Detection Services Demand is About to Take Off

By Paula Musich, Research Director, Security and Risk Management

Leading IT research firm EMA surveyed 179 IT and IT security respondents to assess the level of interest in managed detection and response (MDR) services. This research indicates an increased demand for MDR services. For the roughly three-quarters of all respondents not already using an MDR service, only 6% indicated that their organizations were not looking into it.

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Workload automation


Data-Driven Automation: A Vision for the Modern CIO

EMA surveyed 400 global respondents from companies that have made strategic investments in automation to address their ITops challenges.

Get the research findings

Intrusion Detection Solutions


The Heightened Importance of Intrusion Detection Solutions

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to the most dramatic increase in teleworking of all time. The good news is that, generally speaking, remote working has been relatively easy for businesses to facilitate. The bad news, however, is that it brings a host of new cybersecurity challenges for companies to tackle.

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application-delivery infrastructure


Pandemic-driven Changes to Application-delivery Infrastructure May Become Permanent

EMA surveyed 253 enterprises about their use of application-delivery infrastructure during the COVID-19 pandemic and found that changes in how users access applications has forced adjustments to that infrastructure. The results are published in an EMA report “Application Delivery Infrastructure for Multi-Cloud Enterprises.” This article by Shamus McGillicuddy vice president of research, network management, discusses the results of the survey.

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research webinar


Managed Detection and Response

Wednesday, July 29
9 am Pacific | 12 pm Eastern

Join Paula Musich, research director covering security and risk management at EMA, for a research webinar that will explore the results of a new study on managed detection and response.

Learn more and register

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